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Anthony Germain

Senior Counsel

St. John’s

A former award-winning journalist with more than 30 years experience covering local, national, and international stories, Anthony has a profound understanding of what makes the news business tick.

From Parliament Hill to provincial legislatures – from Beijing to war-torn Libya – Anthony developed a reputation as a reporter who was unafraid to ask difficult questions. He has hosted or appeared on all of the CBC’s major national programs on radio and TV, including: The House, The Current, As It Happens and The National among others.
Anthony has also hosted local news and current affairs shows in Ottawa, Moncton, and Saint John. He spent the final decade of his CBC career in St. John’s, where he hosted the morning show, the supper time TV newscast, and the local afternoon drive home radio show.
For the past two decades, he has mentored novice and experienced journalists alike on effective interviewing techniques and story pitching and development. Anthony has taught political science at Memorial University and journalism at the College of the North Atlantic.
As a certified instructor and teacher, Anthony offers clients media training sessions using real examples and practical media-related learning activities, Anthony shares his insight into how newsrooms operate with the aim of helping individuals and organizations to improve effective communication with the news media.
Anthony received an honours degree in history from McGill University, a Master’s degree in journalism from Western University and more recently a Bachelor of Education degree from Memorial University.