Introduction. We utilize Adobe Acrobat Sign (formerly Adobe Sign) as our e-signature service for the electronic delivery of documents in connection with your relationship with Global Public Affairs (“GPA”, “we”, “us). This notice contains important information about electronic signatures and electronic records, and where applicable, receiving legal and regulatory information from us.
Acceptance of this Notice. Please select the acceptance checkmark and click the “Click to Sign” button to confirm that you have reviewed and agree to be bound by this notice, and consent to execute documents with GPA using Adobe Acrobat Sign. If you are accepting on behalf of someone else, including a corporate entity, you confirm that you have the authority to legally bind that person or entity to this notice and the applicable Agreement (as defined herein).
This notice takes effect when you click the “Click to Sign” button.
Applicable Disclosure
- You consent to receive and retain any applicable legal or regulatory disclosures (“Disclosures”) in electronic form. Your consent also permits the general use of electronic records and electronic signatures in connection with the Disclosures.
- You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us. If you withdraw your consent, you will not be able to accept Agreements electronically or receive Disclosures from us.
- Your consent does not mean that we must provide Disclosures electronically. We may, at our sole options, delivery the Disclosures to you on paper. We may also require that certain communications associated with the Disclosures from you be delivered to us on paper at a specified address.
Electronic Signatures & Records
- Definition. An “electronic signature” means any electronic information unique to you, which you create or adopt to show your acceptance to an agreement with us (the “Agreement”). Examples of an electronic signature include an electronic representation of your handwritten signature, or clicking on an “I Accept” button, combined with relevant data such as date, time, and ID.
An “electronic record” means any electronic document, disclosure or other information related to the Agreement, including the Agreement itself. An “electronic record” includes an electronic version or copy of a paper record.
- Binding Effect. All electronic signatures you use in connection with the Agreement are binding and have the same legal effect as if they were written down and signed on paper. No certification authority or other third party verification is necessary to validate your electronic signature and the lack of such certification or verification does not affect the enforceability of your electronic signature. You will not dispute any Agreement with us on the basis that it was entered into using an electronic signature.
Electronic signatures and electronic records satisfy all applicable “signature” and “in-writing” requirements imposed by statute or other legal obligation.
- Decline to Sign. If you do not wish to enter into the Agreement or use an electronic signature, you can let us know prior to receiving the Agreement and you will be required to sign in paper format. Please note that declining to consent may hinder the speed at which we can complete transactions with you and may potentially delay the delivery of services to you.
- Decline to Sign Delivery and Retention. After you electronically sign the Agreement, we will provide you with an opportunity to review and download a copy of the Agreement. Delivery of the Agreement is deemed to have occurred on the day that the Agreement is made available to you, and not when you actually review the Agreement. You may also print and save a copy of the Agreement when it is displayed to you, or you may contact us to access a copy, and you agree that you are responsible for retaining such copy for your records. GPA is not obligated to store on any Disclosures on your behalf.
- Provision of Paper. We may provide you with a paper copy of an Agreement if we deem it appropriate, or if we are unable to provide you with a copy electronically.
- Contact Information. You are responsible to update the contact information we have on file, such as the email address you have designated to receive Disclosures.